What is a PEO?

A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) utilizes the power of numbers to drive down premiums while delivering a more robust benefit offering. It also takes over the non-revenue-producing tasks associated with human resources, so you can focus on growing your business. Specifically, a PEO can help you solve issues in the areas of:

  • Insurance Benefits
  • Payroll
  • Human Resources
  • Employment Regulatory Compliance
  • Work

According to NAPEO, there are almost 500 PEOs in the U.S. providing payroll, benefits, Workers’ Compensation and many other Human Resources and administrative services.

Studies indicate that companies that utilize a PEO have higher revenue growth, lower turnover rates and are less likely to go out of business.

But not all PEOs provide the same services or operate in the same capacity. Some PEOs provide services that are predefined, allowing them to establish their own rules and capabilities. Others offer services for specific issues or needs as identified per organization. It’s important to determine the PEO that will best meet your company’s needs.

PEO by Design can help. Whether pulling your company out of a predefined service box, increasing service and response times, reducing cost, or simply providing options with benefits or other offerings, we can help identify the PEO that offers the best options for your organization.

With over 40 years combined in the PEO service industry, we can help navigate issues and find the best fit for your company based on your needs.

Advantages of a PEO

Fortune-Style Benefit Offerings

Health insurance is a key reason to utilize a PEO. It allows your organization to join a larger benefit group with stronger plan offerings. Not only will you have choices, but so will your employees. The PEO will also allow for large group Dental, Vision, Life & Accident, Disability plans, Legal and HR plans and support, and sometimes a variety of other benefits such as Pet insurance.

Retirement plans are also a beneficial option within a Multiple Employer Plan (MEP) or another plan developed to meet some unique need of your organization. The PEO removes much of the cost and liability while affording you the option to customize plans with matching contributions, vesting schedules and Safe Harbor options.

If you have health issues within your organization, an aging workforce or want to offer a unique plan, we can help provide you options.


Employment Law Compliance

Unfortunately, not knowing a law exists is not a good excuse. It’s common for business owners to discover deficiencies after receiving or learning of a complaint, audit or lawsuit. Most PEOs transfer many liabilities away from your organization as a part of their offering. A company’s preparation and solid infrastructure always surpass a good excuse. The state you are located in and the size of your company also play an important role in determining what federal and state employment laws a company must adhere to. Many business owners are familiar with Federal employment laws such as OSHA, COBRA and ADA and feel confident that they are taken care of, fewer may understand laws such as FLSA, FMLA, ERISA and FICA. But what about IRCA, ECPA, NLRA and PRWORA? These last few are requirements for companies with more than 2 employees and knowing what is or is not required may save you time and fines.

This list identifies the Federal Laws affecting employers. State or local laws are additional requirements based on your company’s location.


Fortune-Style Benefit Offerings

PEOs can often provide savings in Workers’ Compensation premiums. This is accomplished by:

  • Covering a large amount of employees
  • Eliminating year-end audits
  • Vested interest in your experience
  • Payroll integration
  • Claims assistance and involvement

If you are a high-risk industry, had a run of bad experience, or simply prefer to keep your own coverage, we can help to provide you with options.


Integrated Platform

With a PEO, the service platform will integrate your payroll with employees' selected benefit elections and vendors. Your Workers’ Compensation will also be integrated with payroll and vendors. Employee contributions, elections, and even changes to existing plans will be updated and communicated with the various vendors ensuring that the election, participation and contributions toward the plans enrolled in are correct. This saves time and allows you to focus on revenue generating operations.

This integration also extends to Human Resources management by communicating with a HRIS system that oversees all your employee information. This makes sure that the employee is protected, the company is protected, and all information is documented and maintained.

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